Request Course Migration

Instructors MUST request migration in order for course content to migrate from OWL Sakai to OWL Brightspace.
Click the link below that best applies to your situation to see relevant information for requesting migration:

We strongly encourage you to request migration as soon as possible. Migrated courses are currently being delivered approximately 4 weeks from the date of request. Courses are prioritized in order of courses start date, which can also impact the delivery estimate. Once migration has been requested, you will receive an email when your course is ready.

My course has been taught in OWL Sakai in the last two years.

Use the OWL Migration Request App

  • Login to OWL Sakai with your Western ID
  • Click “Membership” on the left navigation of the OWL Homepage
  • Find and click on the “Migration” tab
  • Use the OWL Migration Request App Guide to learn more about the migration options and statuses in the OWL Migration Request App.

In the OWL Migration Request App, you will have three options:

1) Self-Migration/Build New: Migrate your course content yourself, or start from scratch with a blank reference course in OWL Brightspace.

2) Assisted Migration: Have the migration team migrate your course content for you.

The deadline to request Assisted Migration is quickly approaching. Request by August 2 to ensure your course is ready in time for the Fall term.

3) Do Not Migrate: Let the migration team know if you don't need any of your previous course content migrated so we can track the progress of migration across the university.

The table below can provide additional guidance on which option might be best for you.

Scenario Self-Migration Assisted Migration
You are building a new course from scratch
You are ready to get started in OWL Brightspace and would like to get started right away

You would like to spend time learning OWL Brightspace as you prepare your course and want to use OWL Brightspace to its full potential 

Your course is straightforward and uses tools such as Resources, Assignments, Announcement and Gradebook 

Your course has complex or multi-layer lessons 

Your course has complex quizzes or uses Question Pools
Your course has a large amount of media content (video, images, audio files)


If you are unsure what option to choose, please contact the WTS Helpdesk for assistance.

My course is not listed in the OWL Migration Request App.

Please submit a service desk ticket to request migration of unlisted academic courses for the purpose of teaching that course in an upcoming term. Include the course name and link to the course in the ticket.

My course is a new course that has never been taught in OWL before.

Please submit a service desk ticket to request a blank reference site for brand new academic courses if your course site is not yet available in OWL Brightspace.

Migrating Question Pools

If you would like to self-migrate but you have Question Pools, you can request a "Question Pool Only" migration by submitting a service desk ticket.

Please note that Questions in the migrated Question Pools will have to be revised by the instructors after delivery to check for missing images, attachments, answer weights, etc.

Migration Request FAQs

Who can request migration through the OWL Migration Request App?

Instructors. Only the official instructor(s) of a course can request the migration of course content.

If the instructor has not yet been assigned to the course:

Course administrators or other support staff must request a blank reference course by submitting a ticket to the WTS Helpdesk.
Please note, this option does not permit the migration of course content. It is the responsibility of the content owner to grant permission for content migration.

If the instructor is no longer available to give permission for course content to migrate:

The academic leader (Dean, Associate Dean, Chair, Head of Department, Program Coordinator) can submit a ticket to the WTS Helpdesk with the course information and designate to provide approval.

While I wait for my course to be ready, what training resources are available?

We recommend you request a personal sandbox and complete the Self-Guided Instructor Training! 

See all available resources.

Can I migrate student data to OWL Brightspace?

No. Student data is not migrated to OWL Brightspace no matter which migration option is selected.

Will migration remove my course content from OWL Sakai?

No! Migrations do not change your course content within your existing OWL Sakai site; it takes a point-in-time copy of the course site.

You can back up your course content separate of the migrations at any time by exporting from Lessons.

What is the difference between a reference course, sandbox, official course, and project site?

To help you better understand the different courses and sites within OWL Brightspace, refer to the guide below.

OWL Brightspace Terminology

An OWL Brightspace sandbox is a personal course that can be used for testing and experimentation. Self-guided training will be available once you get your sandbox Students will not be enrolled in your sandbox.

More information about personal sandboxes

Reference Course:

A Reference Course is a staging area in OWL Brightspace that can be used to restructure and reorganize migrated content or to plan and organize new content. Content built or organized in a Reference Course can then be imported to the official course(s), where students are enrolled.

Reference Courses will be used during the migration process only. You will have one Reference Course in OWL Brightspace for each course migrated from OWL Sakai or built new in OWL Brightspace

For more information, see the FAQs under "About Migration"

Official Course: In OWL Brightspace, a Course may refer to an academic course or a guided training course that uses tools like Gradebook, Assessments, Tests & Quizzes, Certificates, and Lessons.  The Course in OWL Brightspace is where students will be enrolled. 
Project Site: This is not a terminology used in OWL Brightspace.  "Project site" is an OWL Sakai term. Non-academic project sites in OWL Sakai will not be migrating to OWL Brightspace. Visit the Project Site page for more information about project sites.



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