OWL Migration Plan

Many projects are in progress as we continue to take flight with OWL Brightspace, Western's New Learning Management System! 

We are working project by project as we phase out Sakai, our former learning management system (LMS), which will no longer be available on April 30, 2026.

Now that the Academic Course Migration is complete, WTS is working on:

The Sakai Project Site Transition

Project Site Maintainers will be required to:

  • Claim their Project Sites by June 1, 2025 (more information coming mid-April)
  • Transition content from Sakai Project Sites to alternate solutions or migrate to OWL Brightspace if eligible by April 30, 2026.  

If your project site is an HR Training Site (stores training content and are used to deliver central HR training) or Research Site (stores research data), there will be additional information required to assist you. Coming Soon! 

Western Continuing Studies Migration 

Western Continuing Studies courses will be migrating to their new home in OWL Brightspace! 



Published on  and maintained in Cascade.